-Angelic-Reiki Crystal Healing ( 1 hour )
Body Alignment, Chakra balancing, Clearing, Cleansing
Feeling lethargic, heavy, or clouded in your thoughts?
Our body is the barometer of our soul. That is why it is important to have it cleansed regularly; toxins can leave us feeling unhappy, forgetful, or generally unwell.
Like that of the car you drive, it is important to cleanse the inside or your body. Blood is the life force that gives us the energy we need on a daily basis. Cleansing your body of any toxin build up helps bring great changes to every level of your consciousness, mind, body, and spirit.
Bringing back clarity of mind and increasing your energy levels. Recharge your body allowing you to get on with enjoying each and everyday in a more positive way.
All Reiki Session are accompied with Spiritural Guidance for those that are open to it
Angelic-Reiki Crystal Healing + Angel Guidance Card Reading (2 hours)
Feeling lost? heavy minded? or just need that extra push this package will clear and cleanse your mind and soul aswell as giving you channeled information from your Angels/Spirit Guides to help enlighten your soul again with a positive prospective to life.
Angel Guidance Card Reading (30mins-1 Hour)
Need some extra guidance? feeling like you have hit a cross road in your life? feel like there is something more to you then what others can see? want to explore what your life mission is? or maybe you would like to get some insight first to what may be affecting you or holding you from moving forward?
Angel Guidance Readings Come very naturally to me as i have been practicing from a young age i now know how to read + channel through the current guidance given to you in order to archive an accurate reading with honesty.
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