Bao An Tang was initially established by Doctor Chan Hoa Duong in 1983 at Little Bourke Street Melbourne, as a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinic. It was the first TCM clinic in China Town Victoria. It was relocated to Abbotsford in 1993 where Dr Duong son Dr Kevin Duong is now the senior practitioner. Bao An Tang consisting of three consultation room and an extensively stocked Chinese herbal dispensary provides Chinese Medical treatment of Acupuncture, herbal medicine.
Dr Kevin Duong registered with Chinese medicine board of Australia. He is a third generation Chinese Medicine Practitioner with 17 years clinical experience and tertiary training at the University of Victoria and (Guangzhou University, Liaoning college of China). Before his formal qualification he was study Chinese Medicine under his father Dr. Chan Hoa Duong with his over 50 years clinical experience in internal medicine. Kevin Duong has a unique understanding of both Eastern and Western medical philosophies. He specialise in dermatology and fertility treatments finding the Chinese medical approach to be extremely effective with less side effects than conventional treatment. He successfully treats a variety of dermatological conditions including Psoriasis, Eczema, Fungus infection and many complicated cases. Using acupuncture his achievement including pain management (Migraine headache, Neck stiffness, Sciatica), Stroke, Facial paralysis, Tennis elbow, Sinus, Frozen shoulder, Cervical-lumbar spine syndrome and arthritis, etc
Qualification and Accreditation
B.H.Sc.,TCM.(Vic. Uni.)
Advanced Dip. in (Acupuncture) Guangzhou University China
Adv. Certificate (Dermatology) Affiliated hospital of Liaoning Uni. China
Certificate of Adv. Clinical Practice (Chinese medicine & Acupuncture),Liaoning Uni. China
Member of China T.C.M. Intitute dermatological specialty committee
Member of F.C.M.A Australia
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