Osteopathy, Massage, Naturopathy, Myotherapy, Podiatry, Psychology
Osteopathy: Mechanics for the body, specalising in diagnosing and treating the cause of your pain, not just the symptoms. Safe, effective treatment of:
- Back and neck pain - Headache/Migraine - Sports Injuries - Pre & Post Pregnancy care - Children & Babies - Sciatica - RSI - Frozen Shoulder - Tennis Elbow
Massage: Remedial, Sports, Relaxation, Hot Stone, Deep Tissue
Naturopathy: Herbal and natural medicine to support your health and healing. Can be assistance in treating:
- Skin Conditions - Infertility - Depression & Anxiety - Bloating, Constipation,
- Coeliac support - Headache/Migraine - Issue with Children & Babies (colic, reflux, exzema ) - Asthma & Respiratory complaints
Myotherapy: supporting your bodies muscular framework using dry needling, deep soft tissue, myofascial stretching and cupping. Helps keep you moving freely.
Counselling Psychologist
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