As an Accredited Practising Dietitian I am able to help with the management of a wide variety of conditions including, but not limited to:
- Weight management (over or under healthy weight)
- Heart Disease (High Cholesterol, Hypertension, previous heart attack/s....)
- Diabetes (Type 1 or 2, gestational, Impaired fasting glucose)
- Bowel trouble (IBS, Fructose intolerance, FODMAPS, food intolerance, Coeliac Disease, Chrons?, Ulcerative Collitis, Diverticulitis....)
- General Healthy Eating (during pregnancy/lactation, Vegetarian, newly arrived in Australia)
- Deficiencies (Iron, Calcium/vitamin D...)
- Children (failure to thrive, fussy eating, overweight...)
Family consultations
Fussy kids? Unhappy with how healthy family meals are? Need some help to loose weight as a family?
I can help tailor an approach to suit your needs. From offering advice, menu planning, goal setting and positive support along the way I'd love to see your family be happy and healthy together!
Aged Care Consulting
Available for one off or regular aged care consulting. Rates negotiable including the option to bulk bill residents with current enhanced primary care plans (Medicare item 721 or 723).
Also able to visit SRS and CRU facilities.
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