Kinesiology is a complementary therapy which uses gentle muscle monitoring techniques to determine underlying stresses within the body's many systems including the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine and immune systems as well as the body's energy systems including the meridian and chakra system. Kinesiology treatment is specific to each individual and uncovers the underlying conditions and stressors that may be preventing you from achieving your true potential. Kinesiology is a truly holistic approach to help you clear limiting beliefs, compete successfully, heal yourself and maintain your wellbeing. Sports kinesiology is a culmination of the most advanced philosophies, techniques and procedures from orthopaedic medical science and holistic kinesiology, incorporating sports medicine, sports science, performance training, recovery and rehabilitation, nutrition and nutritional biochemistry, psychology and the energetic sciences. People at any age or level of fitness can benefit from this therapy. Kinesiology can help with the following: movement enhancement, rehabilitation and pain management; corrective exercise, core stability, pelvic floor and flexibility training; weight management (inclusive of: nutritional, exercise and lifestyle advice); hormonal imbalances; allergies, sensitivities, intolerances; identifying and clearing limiting beliefs; goal setting and personal development; stress and anxiety issues; body image; learning and memory difficulties; guidance for athletes; energetic medicine (incorporating TCM, chakra work, Australian bush flower essences); group sessions for resolving conflict and promoting teamwork in groups/relationships/ business. For more info please visit the website.
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