Kinesiology is a natural therapy that complements any other health modality you may be currently using eg. General Practitioner, Chiropractor, Naturopath, Life Coach etc.
Kinesiology can assist with the following:
Insomnia, stress, anxiety, headaches, muscular pain, low energy, depression, lack of motivation, relationship issues, feeling stuck, learning, career, study/exams .... and much, much more.
Our bodies have a magnificent memory capacity. Not only do we hold knowledge and memories in our brain but also deep within every cell. If we have experienced a lot of stress in our lives, the memory of the stressful situations can cause disharmony within us which can lead to dis-ease and illness within our body. An example of this could be a common headache. For a lot of people a stressful day often ends with a mild or debilitating headache. It is our body's way of telling us "I am not coping with this situation".
Our bodies also have an innate healing energy that is constantly doing the best to care for itself, however, sometimes it needs assistance and this is where a kinesiology balance can help.
This energy flows through every muscle, tissue and organ in our body, keeping us vibrant and healthy. When we are stressed this energy can become blocked. The flow can be evaluated by testing the muscles which in turn reflect the body's overall state of emotional, spiritual or physical balance.
Kinesiology looks beyond symptoms and does not treat named diseases. Nor does it diagnose them. It is also not limited to dealing with ailments and can help a person to achieve personal goals such as career, sport, relationships or life in general. During a kinesiology balance it is the flow of energy through the body that is of most concern and therefore has close links with the acupuncture concept of energy flow.
For further information on how a kinesiology balance may help you please contact Robyn on 0402106865 or [email protected]
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