Ballarat Vibrosaun has a Vibrosuan, Massage, Myotherapy and Salt Therapy facilities.
The Vibrosaun simulates the effect of exercise in a reclining position. It is a therapeutic dry sauna consisting of a padded vibrating bed and dry heat which circulates through the unit over and under the bed. Whilst cold air keeps your head and face cool, the rest of the body is inside the machine.
By combining the two together you increase the blood flow and oxygen.
The body cells use oxygen to burn up carbohydrates such as starch, etc. It also accelerates the kidney function in the removal of lactic acid and body wastes. Your circulation will increase, fluid retention relieved, blood pressure lowered, relieved muscle aches and pains, greatly relieving tension and stress, you will be left rejuvenated and on your way to total wellbeing.
Also great results are achieved with insomniacs. Back pain greatly relieved by the gentle vibration and other benefits.
While using the machine, it separates the vertebra allowing unobstructed blood flow throughout the spinal column and also relaxes all stressed and tightened muscles. Sports and other injuries heal quicker as increased blood flow helps your body to heal quickly.
Because the vibration relaxes the muscles and simulates movement, this contributes in a minor way to the burning up of calories. As dry heat is introduced and the body temperature increases, this dilates the blood vessels and increases circulation, intake of oxygen and of course increases the heart and pulse rate. The body receives signals from the brain and releases stored up energy, exactly the same way as it does when the circulation is increased with physical exercise.
The Vibrosaun has proven to be a very effective method in assisting with weight reduction. The machine may be programmed to simulate the effects of a stimulating jog without the harmful side effects.
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