Please contact the Squadron admino by email from the link to the left on this page for more information.
Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC), is a non-profit youth organisation that takes its uniform and traditions from its parent organisation, the RAAF.
To be eligible to join the Australian Air Force Cadets, boys & girls must meet the following criteria:
*Have attained the age of 13 years, but not the age of 16 years;
*Have your parent's or guardian's permission to enrol;
*Be a person ordinarily resident in Australia;
*Be sufficiently fit and capable of carrying out the normal duties and activities of a cadet;
*Not be a member of either the Australian Navy Cadets (ANC),
Australian Army Cadets (AAC), or the Australian Defence Force (permanent or reserve); and
*Must make a commitment to abide by the Cadet Code of Conduct.
You must also be willing to make a commitment to regularly attend Squadron parades and activities.
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