Tv Antenna Installation Gisborne and surrounding districts..Tv Antenna/Aerial installation,Extra TV points,Signal amplifier/booster,Service calls,Call today for a FREE quote and signal test... Servicing. Gisborne,New Gisborne,Macedon,Mount Macedon,Romsey,Lancefield,Diggers Rest,,.Melton, Bacchus Marsh,,Sunbury,Kyneton to Western Suburbs of Melbourne..Don't put up with poor digital reception,it can be fixed.Call today to see how affordable and easy it can be . DIGITAL TV ANTENNAS from $150 Installed..FULL ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS of new homes. Digital antenna,Tripod/Tri4 roof mount,cable,splitter from $200 ,Extra Tv/Foxtel Points From $80.Masthead Signal Amplifiers/Booster from $145 installed. TV WALL MOUNTING AVAILABLE from $125. Call 0466047581 ...WE MAKE THE TIME TO GET AROUND TO IT...20% Discount pensioners/Senior card holders.Free Quotes and Signal Test ... ABN 32280807156 . .Call/inbox for more details. ..Discount pensioners/Senior card holders.
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