Aesthetic medicine is one of the most dynamic areas of medicine. Correcting imperfections, erasing damages caused by the passage of time, helping people achieve the looks they have previously only dreamt of, is becoming increasingly feasible and more affordable.
The staff at the Beauty Clinic wish to advise our clients and patients about the latest treatments on offer at our modern and diversified clinic.
We endeavour to address most of people's concerns in a "one stop shop"
- Dull skin or large pores
- Sunspots/Pigmentation
- Acne and scars
- Wrinkles
- Sagging face or cheeks
- Hair removal
- Thinning lips
- Nose reshaping
- Excessive perspiration
- Fat deposits
- Unwanted face or leg veins
Our treatments are tailored to people's specific needs. They could be a combination of facials, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, wrinkle injections, fillers, laser and IPL treatments.
Aware of the time constraints that most people face, we try to schedule our treatments in such a manner that people spend less money and time, while undergoing complex treatments with minimal pain and recovery downtime.
Short of plastic surgery we offer a wide range of services, employ well-trained staff, latest approved products and the best available technology.
A happy and satisfied patient is our best reward.
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