In the high frequency low current therapy is worked with alternating currents of high tension. Damaged, weak, and diseased skin cells gain by RF oxygen a lot of energy. The RF rod is placed on the affected area and the released ozone causes an optimal disinfection and prevents inflammation. The HF treatment promotes blood circulation to the skin. The acid mantle of the skin is stabilized and active ingredients can be better incorporated into the skin.
The HF treatment takes about 10 minutes and is painless.
Ideal for the treatment of:
*wrinkled skin
*poor circulation skin
*skin needed to regeneration
*impure skin
*skin tended to inflammation
The device has the following effect:
*stimulation, regeneration and renewal of the skin
*stimulates the exfoliation of dead skin cells
*improves blood circulation to the skin
*tightening and smoothing
The set consist of:
*the Darsonval device
*four glass electrodes: 1."comb" - normalization of scalp hair loss
2."tear" - to apply in hard to reach areas such as eyes
3.'Mini' - to apply to face, decollete
4."Mushroom" - to apply to the face and decollete
Technical details:
*Power 10W
*Voltage: 220 V / 50 Hz
*Color: White
*Dimensions: approx 32.5cm x 21cm x 6cm
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