Monthly preparation of your books and a Quarterly BAS return. (Ideal if your business is cash based.) This would include the following types of service:
- Data entry and record keeping of your receipts and payments
- Reconciliations of your bank account, debtors and creditors
- Monthly Profit and Loss Statement
- Quarterly BAS preparation and lodgement
Examples of additional services that can be added to this package are:
- All working papers for your tax accountant (if applicable, otherwise we will work with our partners to complete your tax return)
- Management of your debtors and invoice preparation
- Management of your creditors and supplier payments
- Payroll
- Cashflow management
- Monthly or quarterly business reviews to give you insight into where your business is performing well and where there are risks or opportunities for improvement.
We provide quotes for all services to be rendered prior to the work being done. Once the quote has been approved by you, we will commence the work required. This provides the reassurance that there will be no hidden costs or surprise bills from us. Just as your customers want to know what you are charging, you can expect the same from us.
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