CS Accountants & Bookkeeping understand that with today's time restraints maintaining your records and accounts presents a huge challenge for small businesses. With constant ATO lodgement obligations you require your bookkeeping to be accurate, up-to-date and most importantly cost effective. However, bookkeeping is more than just simple data entry, a qualified bookkeeper also requires a sound knowledge of Accounting Practices and Procedures. Any attempted cost savings during the bookkeeping process are well and truly eroded at tax time when your Accountant needs to redo the books so they accurately reflect your business position.
Our bookkeepers work closely with and are supported by our CPA tax accountants yet with our rates starting at $40ph, costs no more than normal bookkeeping services. Our high standard of service results in more accurate accounts which means your accounting fees are kept to a minimum at year end as fewer corrections are required.
Let us save you time and worry by ensuring your accounts are up to date and your lodgement obligations are always met on time, leaving you free to run your business.
Bookkeeping Services include:
- BAS & IAS preparation
- Monthly Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet reports
- Budget & Cashflow reports
- MYOB/Quickbooks/Xero data entry & management
- Bank & credit card reconciliations
- Payroll & Superannuation processing
- Debtor & Creditor management
- Software training & installation
- Converting to xero
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