Our service improves the design look and feel, as well as the the functionality, resale value, energy efficiency and accessibility of your building enabling your well being.
Gary Finn is a passionate participant in the NSW Master Builders' Association Legal and Contracts Committee and the Architects' Association of NSW. He is an accredited member of the Association of Consultants in Access, Australia.
Our energetic design core produces quality documents through awareness, organisation and discipline. We are experienced architects with post-graduate qualifications specialising in disability access.
Our firm provides disability access services through Sydney Access Consultants, who audit existing and proposed buildings and make recommendations to improve and facilitate accessibility and their cient's compliance with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. (DDA)
Sydney Access Consultants is involved in design and documentation of transport buildings, education facilities, multi dwelling housing including social housing, senior's housing and group homes, as well as child care centres. Over 30 years experience, the architect principal has extensive knowledge of residential construction and project management.
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