Save our planet, get paid
Be carbon free, we plant trees.
Enjoy income from your own forest!
Green Planet Program (GPP) is a non profit organisation, a co-op, owned and managed by board members you can elect. GPP plant and nurse your trees for Carbon Trading, which effectively is CARBON TAX, paid back to you a forester, employing trees to clean the air.
Can I send this to someone without buying a tree? Yes!
Go to edit, select, edit/copy and paste onto intended email. This text is similar to the email received when purchasing a tree.
Register, (buy a tree at $13 US), use most bank cards from any currency. Our system will send you an e-mail with your own reference number; this makes it easy to show people our green initiative.
The trees will convert the pollution in the air, into oxygen and carbon biomass and the carbon trading then generates income for you and the next generations. Alternatively you can claim cash quickly or sell at market price. To see how it all works visit our website.
Go to our website now to register or feel free to call us for more information.
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