Established in 2013, Lynnette Edmonds Consulting (LEC) provides career and talent management solutions for companies and individuals by offering expertise across recruitment, career guidance, mentoring, profiling and job search strategies.
If you are a business needing external recruitment expertise to identify and attract the best possible talent but aren't interested in paying what are typically prohibitive fees, then you will find LEC an appealing alternative.
Director Lynnette Edmonds brings over a decade's experience in recruitment and talent management (including five years as Director and Co-Owner of successful specialist recruitment firm, PR People) and is skilled at finding talent and matching them to specific roles. She understands that, in today's market, recruiters need to be flexible with their pricing and a bespoke fee arrangement is more appropriate.
If you are an individual needing help to find (and prepare for) the ideal job then Lynnette and her team would love to help. Whether you are looking for job search strategies (resume/letter development, interview training), profiling (networking, social media profiles etc) or mentoring (where do I want to be in 6 months/5 years? Am I on the right track? How do I prepare for that upcoming evaluation?), we can cut through the clutter to the heart of what you need and tailor our sessions to help.
Recruitment, career counselling/coaching, job search strategies (interview training, cv/bio prep, networking, profiling), mentoring, networking strategies, evaluation/review preparation, talent management
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