PowerCoach has evolved to become a specialist in the field of Executive Coaching, with strong focus on measureable results. We find there is no one tool nor technique to Executive Development. We apply a wide range of approaches and methods to support the individual Coachee to a greater understanding of themselves, thier potential, thier business and guide them on realizing thier goals.
We often discover a need to breakdown some of past learnings and build up new ones as the change required comes in the form of new behaviours required to facilitate this change, and open greater opportunities for fast recovery and growth.
Evidence Based Approach to Coaching
Achieving Behavioral Change with validated Coaching Techniques -In the Workplace
Today any organization to survive and thrive must learn to change with the market and times. If we are to have learning organizations, we must have learning executives. Learning refers to any change in behavior. Organizational Behavior (first seen as actions) is the sum of professional skills affected by personal skills and behavioral aspects such as; beliefs, values, attitudes, motivation, thoughts, and unconscious drives.
Evidence-based coaching is a way of distinguishing professional practice grounded in proven science versus the simplistic, unproven coaching approach popularized by the many coaching associations and coach training providers engaged in mass-marketing to a primarily uneducated marketplace.
Professional coaching with an evidence based approach is now recognized as the critical platform for successful organizational change and learning initiatives.
Executive Coaching is a partnership between a senior leader, an executive coach and the sponsoring organization aimed to enhance individual learning and development while achieving agreed-upon business goals.
Our Executive Coaching program entails a series of personalized one-on-one interactions.
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