www.MobileSites.com.au is the industries leading in mobile website design. Let us build your mobile website today. MobileSites is offering to build your mobile website with No upfront payment. Just email or contact us and our team will design your mobile site, put it live for you to test. Obligations FREE. We don't require any payment unless you like the sample (which you will)
Once we forward your live working sample mobile website built to your existing website theme, we will give you 30 days to decide if you like it and i want to purchase it.
MobileSites is that confident we can bring you more business with your new mobile website, that we are prepared to build your site first with with no committments and no upfront payments.
Our custom built sites offer the latest industry class features. you can see what we can give you here http://www.mobilesites.com.au/features/ .
NOTE these are not some cheap cookie cutter site
You can sample a few samples we have built here ( look at them with your mobile phone)
http://ttbuild.mobilesites.com.au - local builder
http://oscarsontheyarra.mobilesites.com.au - hospitality
http//m.3kingsbnb.com.au - bed and breakfast
After the 30 days trial, payment of $399 will be required to set the site live on your domain. This will include full management and update onoing. We set up your url as a (m) similar to the 3kings mobile site url. This helps inform Google you now offer a mobile optimised version of our main desktop website.
Limited offer to the first 20 businesses only.
For more info visit www.mobilesites.com.au
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