Offering traditional �??�?�¢??Nonna�??�?�¢?? food in a cosy and warm ambience, Ground 14 creates the perfect mood to enjoy a delicious ragu or pasta with a glass of vino.
Our d�???�??�?�©cor is inviting and quirky, featuring 60's style furniture and lighting. Along with the contemporary breakfast and lunch cafe-style menu by day, Ground 14 is currently offering an exclusive Friday and Saturday night 'Italian Winter Warmers�??�?�¢?? dinner menu, featuring a range of saucy pastas and slow-cook ragus.
The restaurant is fully licensed so you can enjoy a hearty Italian meal with your preferred wine or beer.
Ground 14 also offer a range of freshly made take-home meals for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home.
For all catering or in-house �??�?�¢??small�??�?�¢?? style function enquires, please contact Marettee Tuck at [email protected] or by calling 03 9598 6686.
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