Professor Samuel Menahem is a Consultant Paediatrician with extensive experience in General Paediatrics and Neonatology. In addition he has researched and published widely on the interface of Child Psychiatry and Paediatrics and has trained as a child Psychotherapist. He has a subspecialty of Paediatric Cardiology extending from the foetus to the adult with congenital heart disease.
He has held Consultant appointments at the Royal Children?s Hospital both as a Physician and Cardiologist, and at Monash Medical Centre as a Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Cardiologist. He has previously headed the General Paediatric Unit and the Paediatric Cardiology Unit and was Foundation Co-Director of the Foetal Cardiac Unit at that Institution. He continues to hold consultant appointments as a Paediatrician and Cardiologist at a number of public and private hospitals.
All patients seen need to be referred. Pensioners are bulk billed both for their consultations and investigations. Those in financial difficulties may have reduced accounts, while his usual fees are still well below the AMA recommended fees. All referring doctors receive a detailed report shortly after the consultation, and/or a phone call if there are immediate concerns.
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