Sugar Plum Child Minding is devoted to providing the Brisbane region with quality child care for all families.
Established in 2013, I saw a need for mothers and fathers to have a helping hand. We all need time off every now and again. Parenting is a 24/7 job, and leaves little "ME" time for anyone. That is where I come in.
If it's a night out with your partner, a lunch date with the girls or simply some "quiet" time - I am here to put your mind at ease. You can have a break, knowing that your children are having fun, and are completely safe with quality activities and supervision.
Registered Care Provider for the Child Care Benefit - helping those families that need a little extra support.
Partial Completion: Bachelor of Primary Education, Queensland University of Technology - 2007-2008
Current Working with Childrens Check (Blue Card)
First Aid Certificate: Includes:
Perform CPR
Provide basic emergance life support
Apply first aid
Course in Automated External Defibrillation
Course in First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis
Course in Emergancy Management of Asthma in the Workplace
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