We will always endeavor to fit same day appointments wherever possible. We have emergency times available out of hours. Everybody deserves to eat well think well and essentially be able to move well. Your Gungahlin Chiropractor Dr Andrew Bartolich has had over 20 years experience as a family chiropractor and his goal is to get you out of pain and give sound spinal habits and strategies to prevent relapse after relapse. Whether it is a recent injury or it feels like a toothache in the leg, electric shocks in the back, wake up can't move your neck, you suffer from headaches, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, pins and needles, numbness, or recurrent neck/back pain at ACT Chiropractic we will return your spinal health so you can jump, play have fun with the kids, grand children or get back into gardening, work, cycling, running, walking, oztag, football or whatever you need to get back into. We promise to do everything we can to get you out of pain and your back - back into life. ACT Chiropractic is Home of the Happy Spine.
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