With over a decade of experience, you can rely on quality work for your health and Wellness from the chiropractor at Campus Chiropractic & Wellness. We want to help you have your best health and quality of life through our modern methods of natural therapies that we have spent decades specialising in. A lot of health improvement can be achieved by restoring the natural function of the joints, muscles and nervous system, we usually find patients are surprised how well their body can restore its strength and have symptoms resolve.
We commonly see headache, migraine, neck pain, neck stiffness, disc injury, back pain, low back pain, osteoarthritis, arthritis, disc injury, scoliosis, sciatica, poor posture, hip pain, shoulder pain, knee pain and foot pain cases successfully.
We serve the University of Sydney students and staff and are open to the public such as the people who live in Camperdown, Glebe, Newtown, Chippendale, Darlington, Enmore, Forrest Lodge, Redfern, Broadway and Ultimo.
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