We offer Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Naturopathy and Bowen Therapy.
Health Space Coogee-Randwick brings integrated health care to Sydney's East.
With a special interest in Pregnancy Care and womens health we help with sciatica, pelvic/pubic pain, alignment, headaches and TMJ dysfunction.
Chiropractic Care is based on the principle that the body is a holistic unit that needs to work in unison, in order to achieve full functionality of the nervous system. Through identifying abnormalities in the alignment of the spine, this can also uncover other problematic symptoms in the body i.e. presented in the form of a headache.
Chiropractors can help to restore your body to its proper alignment through a range of techniques including Manipulative, Non-Manipulative, Soft Tissue, Kinesiology & Rehabilitation. The type of technique used may vary on your gentics, flexibilty, age, type of injury or condition and comfort level.
Effective in treating:
Postural Problems
Sciatica (shooting pains in the leg)
Back injuries
Lower back pain
Your First Treatment:
During your First Consultation, one of our experienced Health Space Chiropractors will record your complete history and run a number of tests and scans to identify the cause of your problem symptoms. Following this, you will be presented with a Report of Findings and diagnosis. In the following consultations, our Chiropractor will carry out a comprehensive treatment/management plan, recommend therapeutic exercise and other non-invasive therapies, and provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counselling.
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