Dr Amy Norman graduated from Macquarie University, where she completed both her Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and her Masters of Chiropractic. She also obtained her certificate in Musculoskeletal Acupuncture through the Australian College of Education.
Amy is a qualified sports trainer and has completed various courses in Rocktape techniques and paediatric development and management.
Amy has had a wide range of interests in sports since childhood when she would compete in State and National Taekwondo tournaments. She has conducted and assisted in research regarding injury epidemiology in Taekwondo as well as Mixed Martial Arts. She has also had experience teaching children and adults how to swim and loves promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Amy has a love for arthritis management, paediatrics and neuro-rehabilitation. She co-hosted the Australasian Academy of Functional Neurology annual conference in 2014 and constantly strives to widen her knowledge and techniques.
Amy is currently a member of the Chiropractic Association of Australia (C.A.A), Chiropractic and Osteopathic Colllege of Australasia (C.O.C.A), Australasian Academy of Functional Neurology (A.A.F.N), College of Chiropractic Neuro-developmental Paediatrics (C.C.N.P) and Arthritis NSW.
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