Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Podiatry, Hypnotherapy
Headaches or migraines?
Sciatica and/or lower back pain?
Neck and/or Shoulder discomfort/ stiffness?
Quay Health's skilled practitioners are personally here to help!
There are times when your body lets you know that it needs assistance. Our jobs are to locate and correct the cause of numerous health complaints, such as: neck, leg/arm, low back, and hip pain(s); headaches; allergies; digestive disorders; asthma; high blood pressure; numbness; and stress, to name a few.
Our body has a unique ability to tell us when it is not functioning at its best and emits signals that it needs help. Signs and symptoms (such as those above), often result when our body and nervous system have been overloaded with various physical, nutritional, work and lifestyle stressors. Quay Health is committed to delivering the balance and freedom to your body, so that you can focus on savoring healthy living.
Our chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturist and podiatrist, can work together to help you. Not sure who you should see? Talk to our friendly staff to work out which practitioner is right for your individual needs.
We are conveniently located on street level at Circular Quay, a few minutes walk from Circular Quay Station, close to Wynyard and Martin Place and directly opposite the AMP tower.
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