ChiroChild offers very gentle, holistic health care for children from day 1.
Traumatic birth? Forceps or vacuum delivery? Emergency caesar? Dislike tummy time? Poor attachment to the breast? ChiroChild practitioners are trained to find the cause of childhood problems, such as colic or reflux, and address them. We are well integrated with doctors and paediatricians, as well as osteopaths and physiotherapists, and can help you find the best care for your child. Considering sleep school, come to us first to see if there is an underlying cause.
Our practitioners conduct post-graduate chiropractic paediatric courses across the country.
Ear infections, headache, recurrent illness? We may be able to help. Behavioural concerns, we may be able to help.
Delayed crawling or walking? We may be able to help.
Newborn check? Or routine neuro-musculo-skeletal check on your child, we can run these at your leisure. No referrals are required. We have eftpos and HICAPS at both our centres.
HOME VISITS: Our practitioners can come to you. If convenient, a fully accredited and trained chiropractor can care for your child in your home.
Ask us today about special rates for home visits in northern and eastern suburbs.
For the highest level of holistic care for your child - from day 1 through to 16 years, call ChiroChild today, on 039435 8788, or email [email protected].
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