All are very welcome!
Regular activities of the community include:
Worship Service: Sundays 10:15am
- friendly welcoming community, open table communion, scripture, singing (traditional and contemporary), prayer, activities for children, including a cup of Fairtrade Tea or Coffee.
Friendship Centre: Tuesdays 9:30am
- for a gold coin donation, try your hand at indoor bowls, cards, table tennis, or bring your own craft activitiy. Includes a bright thought for the day and a generous morning tea.
Prayer Meetings: Sundays & Mondays
- weekly - Sunday from 9:45am and Monday from 9:00am
Riverport Kids Club: Friday Fortnight from 3:30pm - 6:00pm
- after school every Friday fortnight during school term. A project in partnership with Bayside Church International.
Reel Dialogue Movie Nights - Fridays
- once a month - watch a great movie, share in supper and then engage in some "real dialogue" about the movie.
For up to date and special event information, please visit the website.
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