Specialising in servicing Coolrooms, Refrigerators, Dishwashers, Ice Machines and other refrigerated food storage areas:
The Ultimate Health Program is an internationally recognoised Food Safety program that is ISO 22000 certified for HACCP & GMP, based on the risk management system of HACCP for the specialised cleaning service to the Healthcare, Hospitality and Food Storage sectors to maximize the food safety compliance.
This service ensures the equipment is clean & sanitized for food safety and reducing operational cost up to 19.2% by maintaining them free of Bacteria & Mould and reducing your electricity bills by 19%!
This program incorporates 6 monthly servicing and comes with a 6 monthly certification backed by SAI Global accreditation.
Other services include Cleaning & Sanitization of Air-conditioning & Air Handling (AHU)/ HVAC systems & equipment in Commercial, Public & Residential environments.
The service programs are designed with the objective of Reducing Energy Consumption & Improving the Hygiene Standards by professionally cleaning them and maintaining them clean on a regular basis.
We believe in the delivery of a service that meets all customer expectations and we pride ourselves on performing the work under Quality Management Implementation. The work performed will be carried out in the most professional manner possible and the utmost consideration is given to confidentiality and the time committments of clients!
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