Dust is a key factor in many Computer Issues. It causes increasing heat and lack of airflow within the PC Case.
If you are experiencing issues with your PC then come in and see us at Ingleburn for friendly advice and help.
Our FREE OFFER is that with any PC Virus detection and Removal ($95*) or a Format and Install of Operating System ($95*), we will do a Spring Clean on your computer and remove the dust from sensitive areas like the CPU, the Power Supply and Air Vents. (In Store Service)
Thatâ??s a $50 Value Saving and a BIG Saving on PC dramas that you could experience this Summer.
Call us on 02 9829 1222 to make an appointment and mention this Advertisement for the FREE OFFER!
Entrance in Carlisle Street. Near the Pizza Hut Takeaway!
*Conditions Apply.
We build the Computer that you need. You do not have to know all about computers to talk to us. Just tell us what you need to do on a PC or Laptop and we can help you with the right choice.
We supply:-
- All major brands of Notebooks;
- Build PCs to your needs;
- Australian Import Distributor for Multitech Modems from the US;
- Supply HP Servers to major and small business;
- Networking products and accessories;
- A Great range of Cables and other Computer Accessories.
So for all your computer needs for Business or Home give us a call or pop in to our shop in Ingleburn. In Car4lisle STreet, Near the PIZZA HUT Take Away.
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