Hi my name is Ray i work for a company called AR-Technology, I would like to work on repairing your laptops and computer if it has any issues at a cheap price. I can also come to you and fix your laptop and computer at your house. I am offering my skills and abilities that i have learnt in order to repair your laptop or computer issues and restoring it's lost performance. I currently hold a Certificate IV in computer systems techonology and im planning to continue my studies next year for an Advanced Diploma of Information Technology. This service that i would be providing would be good for me. It will keep me motivated and gain knowledge and experience. If you have any questions please feel free to message, email me at [email protected] or just call me. Thank you!!
The Service that i would be providing to you :
- Restoring computer/laptop perfomances. If your laptop/computer is running slow.
- Virus, spywares, malwares and other threats such as key-logging removals
- Operating System upgrades
- Format Operating System
- Anti Virus/spywares/malwares installation. Protect yourself from harmfull threats!!
- Hardware failures
- Networking Issue
- Hardware and computer component upgrades
- Building a full functional computer desktop
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