When you find an asbestos building material in your home, every so often perform a visual inspection of these areas to ensure there is still no damage or signs of wear.
If you believe it is better to remove the asbestos, please ask yourself the following questions:
-Is the area showing signs of wear or damage? If not, can you leave it alone?
-Is it possible to do something besides removing the asbestos such as sealing the area and then painting or covering the area with a non-asbestos material?
-If the asbestos must be removed, can it be done in such a way to comply with all relevant laws and safety procedures?
-Would it be a better choice to hire a professional asbestos removal company?
If you decide to go ahead and try to remove the asbestos, consider the following:
-Never use power tools when you are trying to remove asbestos.
-Never use sanding or abrasive cutting discs to remove asbestos.
-Never use compressed air to remove asbestos.
-Never use high-pressure hoses when working with asbestos.
-Never walk on a cement roof containing asbestos since there is a risk of falling through the roof and disturbing the asbestos.
-Never allow asbestos products to lie around where they can be crushed or broken and the asbestos disturbed.
If you are not sure the material contains asbestos, have it tested at a laboratory accredited by NATA to see if it does contain asbestos.
When working with asbestos always ensure the area is well-ventilated.
While working with asbestos, always ensure the material is completely saturated and remains that way while you are working with the material. This helps minimize the release of dust and fibers.
If the asbestos is loose, it should always be removed by a professional asbestos removal company. This is because loose asbestos can be inhaled which can be very dangerous to the health.
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