Optimal Experience Pty Ltd is a strategic user experience (UX), user interface design and usability consultancy.
We have extensive experience developing and implementing practical user experience strategies that work in the real world, not just in theory.
We work with commercial, large corporate, and government clients across industries and around the globe to introduce and reap the rewards of user-centred design practices. This has involved a combination of identifying and delivering the services and establishing the ongoing processes, principles, staff, structure and even facilities, to deliver highly successful customer experiences. We also conduct training and mentoring, participate in professional discourse and development and contribute to industry-wide advances in knowledge and practice. We are thoroughly versed in user-centred design (UCD) methods based on an iterative analysis-design-develop-evaluation cycle, applied to a wide range of project types, business sectors and organisational contexts.
This experience spans all types of applications, technologies, and channels, involving customer facing systems, internal applications, B2B, C2G and B2G transactions. Environments range from mainframes to graphical interfaces, browser-based systems, mobile and handheld devices, IVRs, kiosks, paper-based systems, and physical designs of devices and spaces (such as retail outlets). We also focus on the cross-channel experience, understanding what needs to be delivered via which channel and ensuring that experience is cohesive and synchronised.
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