Melbourne Coach is a business and wellness coaching practice with a holistic approach to help our clients flourish in life and work. We offer one on one coaching, workshops, business group coaching and a business workshops. Our mindfulness and business coaching sessions are designed to improve self awareness, accelerate personal/professional growth, clarify or re-invent personal brand, enhance business performance and elevate your relationship with life and work.
Melbourne Coach strives to:
Discover, clarify, and align with what clients want to achieve
Encourage client self-discovery
Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
Hold the client responsible and accountable
An individual or team might choose to work with a coach for many reasons, including but not limited to the following:
Something urgent, compelling or exciting is at stake (a challenge, stretch goal or opportunity)
A gap exists in knowledge, skills, confidence or resources
A desire to accelerate results
A lack of clarity with choices to be made
Success has started to become problematic
Work and life are out of balance, creating unwanted consequences
Core strengths need to be identified, along with how best to leverage them
Want to discover Mindfulness and develop a mindful living strategy
Does this sound like you?
You wouldn?t ask a family member to fix your plumbing or teach you how to speak French so why expect them to help you identify and achieve your goals? Family and friends almost always have a personal agenda for you because they are emotionally involved, they also give advice based on their own experiences and filters. Perhaps you?ve come to the conclusion your dreams and goals don?t matter and you should be content with your lot in life. But next time you see your colleague or friend change careers and start living their dream ask yourself why it is you don?t believe your dreams and goals are worthy of employing an expert to help you achieve them!
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