If you are a small or medium business needing to get more out of your workforce in these tough economic times, then you should talk to McNeil Taylor Consulting about how we can help you achieve that. Even if you are doing OK, there is always room to improve how you run your business and manage your people. And if you are a typical small business owner, there is probably some room for you to improve your work/life balance as well.
Our range of services includes business, leadership and executive coaching, selection and development of staff (includes psychometric assessment), HR planning and support, career transition, development of annual performance plans, conducting performance reviews and giving feedback.
With our free consultation offer, we are happy to come along and talk to you about any aspect of your business performance that you need, or would like, to improve. And if for some reason we can't help you, it's very likely we will know someone who can. So what are you waiting for? Call or email us now! We can make a difference - we can help you achieve your goals...!
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