Affordable mindfulness programs by qualified, experienced professionals.
Mindful Path is dedicated to offer mindfulness and self-compassion programs at an affordable price. Our presenter is a highly qualified and experienced psychologist who went to California to be trained and has subsequently received further extensive formal training by the designers of the program. We believe that most people gain from practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, and therefore we wish to make these programs within everyone's reach.
Over the last 25 years, numerous studies all over the world have found that mindfulness and self-compassion increases emotional resilience and psychological strengths. Mindful and compassionate individuals are healthier, better adjusted, more engaged and have greater motivation. In addition, they have more satisfying relationships, connecting with others with more flexibility and understanding. The positive feelings generated by this kind, connected and accepting mindset helps us to adopt a healthy lifestyle(diet, exercise, self-care) and to live more committed, rewarding lives.
Please visit, and contact us if you have any questions or wish to register for our programs.
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