Dr Jonathan Toussaint has extensive experience as a leader in the field of health science, and has developed, managed and delivered a range of evidence-based programs and services, spanning health, counseling, education, and community engagement. Jonathan Toussaint has worked in the human services and community sectors for over 25 years in both clinical and executive management capacities, and has developed leading edge practices that strengthen the family and community. Jonathan Toussaint is recognised as a leading educator in the field of strength based approaches to individual, family, community and corporate work.
Dr Jonathan Toussaint is an experienced family therapist, researcher and author on relationships. He has served as a consultant to government, business and industry, and also serves as the Head of Department, Neuropsychology and Behavioural Studies at the Medical Register of Australia.
Dr Jonathan Toussaint has formal qualifications in psychology (Master of Humanities: University of Tasmania) and a PhD in Health Science (Charles Sturt University). His research interests are in the neuroscience of human social behaviour and the important insights on psychopathological conditions where attachment dysregulation is likely to play an important role. This has led to the publication of two books targeted to youth, one on relationships (How to Talk to Girls: Allen & Unwin) the other on body image (How Do I Look: Keys to a Health Body Image).
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