Everybody struggles with the many challenges that life presents at times. Usually we try to sort things out alone or talk to family members or friends. Yet sometimes it can be very helpful to speak with a professional - someone who you can truly open up to, because they are not involved in your life in the same way your loved ones are.
Sacred Space is a professional counselling service that can assist you in dealing with...
* Family & relationship issues
* Grief and loss issues
* Self-esteem issues
* Co-parenting after separation/divorce
* Recurring patterns in your life and relationships
* Depression, anxiety, and stress
* And many more psychological, emotional and spiritual issues
Because you deserve to live the life you have always dreamed of!
Sacred Space Counselling is dedicated to bringing psychological, emotional and spiritual health and well-being to clients. Our qualified, professional counsellors have over ten years experience in the field, and your privacy and confidentiality are guaranteed.
Situated in the beautiful Northern Rivers town of Lennox Head (in between Ballina and Byron Bay) in a quiet, sub-tropical environment near the ocean, Sacred Space Counselling is the perfect Far North Coast place to go for some much deserved care, attention & time for the most important person in your life - YOU.
For any enquiries or appointments please phone Sacred Space on
(02) 6687 7487
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