Holistic Counselling & Wellbeing
Empowering clients to understand the world around them and make sense of their emotional reactions to every day living. Individual, Relationship, Youth, Family and Children counselling for a variety of presenting issues including stress management and relaxation, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, anger management, life skills, effective communication skills, career counselling and goaling.
Through the process of learning and taking part in a group environment, clients begin to take the journey of self-awareness & empowerment. I facilitate groups for a variety of community and business organisations as well as my own holistic workshops. Living Empowered Holistic Awareness Workshops essentially deal with the connection, awareness and the how of the mind-body-emotion dynamic.
Relaxation Classes
Through breathwork and meditation, learn how to manage stress levels better, understand the mind body emotion dynamic or just take time to stop and relax.
Living Empowered through Dance
Using the body, I focus on joy, health, vitality and balance. Ive been teaching Dance Fusion classes for about 6 years.
Quantum energy balancing & healing
Connecting with ones inner spirit & essence allows clients a deeper understanding of their own journey in life.
LIVING EMPOWERED through Kindness Compassion and Love
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