Specialise in overcoming anxiety, depression, stress and interpersonal problems so you can develop the skills to learn to more balanced in your mind body and spirit.
At Mind and Wellbeing, we are dedicated to providing a supportive environment that promotes guided change and personal growth. We teach practical skills based on scientific research to help you overcome your difficulties in everyday situations.
While a GP referral is not required to access our services, we are all registered Medicare Health Care providers, so our patients are eligible for up to 10 Medicare rebated, consultations in 2018. Visit your Doctor, let them know how you are feeling and enquire about being referred under the bulk billling provisions of the Medicare Benefits Scheme.
If you are with a Private Health Insurer enquire about your entitlements for psychology services. Please note that Medicare rebates and Private Health Care cover cannot be claimed at the same time. However, Private Health Care cover may be used, say, when therapy extends beyond the 10 Medicare rebated consultations Medicare sessions.
Appointments are available on weekdays and afterhours upon request. Please, feel free to contact us and one of our team will be in contact shortly.
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