Welcome to Thinkshift
We're intrigued to know how we can help you? What is it you'd like to change in your first hypnosis session with us? Perhaps it's one of these:
Addictions / Smoking Cessation / Obsessive Compulsive Disorder / Anxieties / Panic Attacks / Sleep & Insomnia / Children's Social & Learning Issues / Public Speaking / Memory Enhancement / Depression
Grief / Fears / Phobias / Public Speaking / Sports Performance / Confidence & Self-Esteem / Weight Loss
Perhaps, it's something else entirely, and that's understandable, because we are all individuals after all.
Counselling / Life Coach
Each of us are unique. We see, hear and feel the world through our experiences, which are filtered and interpreted in our mind, both the conscious and subconscious mind, and every single minute of everyday has been felt, interpreted and stored - to form the basis of interpretation for future events.
The good memories and events - encouraged and strengthened our sense of who we are; on the other hand; the not so good events, we squashed down and buried, what else could we have done, when we young and small, until that unfinished business started rearing its ugly head as an adult, manifesting in undesirable: habits, behaviours and limitations, that hold us back from being the people we desire to be. There is a Universal Law that governs manifestation and that includes behaviour:
Behaviour - Starts with thought - Arouses feeling - Combined with effort - Creates a result. Hypnosis is excellent for changing the way we think.
We provide quality, confidential and compassionate assistance to individuals who are ready to change and who are prepared to shift their thinking. We offer a holistic approach to facilitate growth and help achieve the changes that clients are seeking and to work with them to achieve their true potential.
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