Counselling Service in Melbourne assists individuals to cope, by making sense of difficult emotions�and overcoming stuck patterns of behaviour.
Counselling� treats depression, anxiety, anger and relationship difficulties. Therapy allows individuals to be free from unconscious blind spots that interfere with life
Nancy's is specialised in the Masterson approach, which builds the �real self�, so the self becomes strong enough�to cope with�life stressors.�Individuals can activate their self, develop confidence, manage feelings, enable�better coping�with stability in work and relationships.�Counselling enables�individuals to see themselves and others more clearly, while feel secure�within themselves. The individual� can face life challenges and better mange situations, by progressing in themselves. By working on developing the self, one an move�past areas that keep them stuck
The Masterson� treatment model� has integrated developmental theory, object relations, self psychology and attachment theory. It works deeply at re-structuring� how we feel about ourselves and relate to others,�creating long lasting internal change.
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