No matter whether you are in a relationship or single, you don't have to be stuck in a cycle of pain and unhappiness.
Have you ever asked yourself:
Why does it seem like every relationship I have ends up in disaster?
Why does it seem like I never can find that 'special person' or the 'right one'?
Will I ever find happiness?
Or perhaps?.
You have a relationship, but just can't seem to work things out anymore.
You've lost that's spark and romance that drew you first together.
If so, you are definitely not alone
Many couples and singles like your self, struggle with these very questions, often for years, without ever finding real happiness and contentment that comes from a fulfilling relationship or marriage.
Maybe you have just simply given-up, being sick and tired of all the effort you have to put into having a good relationship, you have decided to be 'single and carefree', yet you still have that empty feeling of loneliness.
Perhaps you're staying in an unhappy, unfulfilled relationship / marriage because you are too scared to be single and alone.
Or maybe you find your self running away from someone at the first sign of conflict or trouble.
Does it seem like no matter what you do, you just keep making the same mistakes over and over again, just getting more and more hurt every time?
You yearn for a relationship where you're not stuck in an endless cycle of pain and misery.
Does this sound like you?...
I am always lonely and feel alone, even when I am with someone.
I am too afraid to be with anyone, because I am scared of the pain it could bring.
My sex-life is dissatisfying and unfulfilled.
I am jealous of my partner, always wondering what they are doing and who they are with.
I just can't seem to let go of a past painful relationship.
I always seem to always cheat on my partner even though I do love them.
It feels like we are more like friends then lovers.
If this sounds like you call now to get real help
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