I am a Holistic Counsellor with 15 years� experience working with people affected by others addictions, relationship conflict, workplace conflict, parenting issues, anxiety and depression. I am trained in the �Be Your Best� Personal Empowerment /Effectiveness Program. This program teaches valuable interpersonal skills that will help you reduce stress conflict and struggle in your life. It can help to increase your workplace effectiveness, no matter what position you hold. Your relationships will become more satisfying and you will become more productive, efficient and fulfilled at work, at home and in all your relationships. I am a facilitator of Parent Effective Communication Training (PET) PET is a set of communication skills, embedded in a philosophy of valuing, and respect for children. PET is a gentle peaceful parenting approach that helps develop a relationship of warmth and respect between children and their parents or carers.
Mon - Fri: 10:00am - 17:00pm
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