If you are experiencing difficulties in your life that are significantly affecting your world and how you function on a day-to-day basis, then counselling and psychotherapy can help you to understand yourself and others better. We believe that each person has the potential to achieve positive change and that each client is unique and we recognise the importance of individualising the work to best suit you.
The Capstone Centre is located in Perth, Western Australia, South of the River in Applecross / Ardross. We are committed to providing a high quality service for the benefit of the client and the wider community. Our philosophy is one of excellence, competence, ethical and professional practice, and respect.
Our clinicians have a broad range of experience in the public health system, the community setting, private practice and the university sector. We offer both short-term and long-term counselling and psychotherapy.
As part of our commitment to excellence, this practice mentors graduates and students at Masters Level. For our mentees we promote analytical thinking and critical evaluation and the development of professional competence.
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