At No1 Drama Studio, we focus on all aspects of drama, catering for ages 3 years right up to adults.
Drama is an enjoyable way for kids, teens and adults to develop their confidence and uniqueness in a safe and non-competitive environment. Shy children blossom and more outgoing children learn to focus their energy constructively!
Hip Hop is based on street style dancing. It gives students an aerobic workout that is both fun and invigorating. Students learn rhythm, coordination, isolations and a variety of routines to the most popular Hip Hop, Rap, Pop, Techno and R&B songs.
Our website,has plenty of information available.
Join us and give your child the best start to their creative life by enrolling then with No1 Drama Studio.
All of our teachers at No1 Drama Studio are highly qualified and have a passion to help their students expand and enhance their dramatic skills and personal attributes.
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