After school Drama classes. Normanhurst, Dural, Gordon. Holiday workshops in Mime, Catwalk, TV Acting, Film, Make-up and Dance. Drama therapy at Aged Care Facilities.
All classes include warm up games, skill development, team work, individual attention and review.
There are 3 age groups for classes. Junior Drama. High School Drama. Youth Theatre.
The main show for the year is at the end of Term 2. Join us for a fun, dramatic, musical experience. Past shows have been... The Dracula Rock Show, Oh What A Knight, Pinafore Pirates and Time Lord.
High school drama play the lead roles in the mid-year show, while the infants & primary classes play the other roles. Youth theatre have their own play in Term 3. A contemporary and challenging script, that includes strong characterization and a variety of theatre styles.
At the end of they year all classes participate in the Showcase. A talent quest style show, to review the year.
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