â?¢ environmental & contaminated land assessment & management
â?¢ groundwater assessment, monitoring & management
â?¢ landfill investigation
Earth2Water is a small and specialist consulting company with broad experience on hundreds of project sites involving potential or actual contaminated soil and/or water. Earth2Water is familiar with the regulatory requirements in NSW for site auditor, Council and/or DEC review and sign-off. The company has a good working relationship with a network of contractor (drilling companies, laboratories) and various authorities (DIPNR, DEC, Councils), professional associations (IAH, RACI) and universities.
Our vision is to provide quality professional services to industrial, mining and government clients in Australia. Our mission is to deliver environmental projects on time, within budget and meeting our client's specifications. We are committed to providing a reliable service.
Professional services
Soil & site investigation and assessment
Water quality testing and monitoring, natural attenuation, computer modelling, remediation, geology and
geophysical surveys
Borehole drilling and groundwater well installation
Earth2Water has innovative drilling equipment and contractors for installing all types of groundwater wells
Environmental management plans
Landfills, fuel depots, industrial sites, including acid sulphate soil assessment
Environmental and contaminated land assessments
Information review and research, field and specialist laboratory testing, remediation, surface water and soil
sampling assessment, expert review services, site auditor support
Project management
Management, environmental advice and technical review for contaminated land projects
Eg: fuel depots, gas works and industrial sites
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