Let us help you reduce your waste costs and get the back end of your business as fantastic as the front. Mil-tek air powered and hydraulic waste presses are safe, easy to use, easy to clean and contaminate free. We have over 20 models in our range to suit any sized waste problem.
Located where the waste is created, reduces handling time and provides a tidier safer work area. Fit more waste in your skip and save. Have the option of selling recyclable bales.
Perfect for:
Hotels & Restaurants - small footprint range for general waste & cardboard and plastic
Distribution Centres
Schools & Universities
Aged Care Facilities
Food Manufacturing - featuring stainless steel range of air powered models
White Goods Suppliers - medium to large machines for cardboard & plastic. Polystyrene compactors - 40:1 reduction in volume.
Manufacturing - cardboard, plastics, general waste. High volume continuous baling models.
Local Government - Landfill. High volume Polystyrene and high throughput cardboard/plastic compaction
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