We all want our soils and landscapes to be healthy and thriving. Supporting people dedicated to improving soil and landscape health, boosting soil carbon, and needing independent expertise that is nested in scientifically based ecological principles is what we do best.
Our dedication is to improving farming systems and human communities by directly addressing the emerging challenges in agriculture. We have always remained independent helping to improve & measure soil quality including soil carbon and organic matter.
You engage us to undertake scientific and proven soil and land monitoring on farm, for research and trials, extension and carbon farming. Your ground breaking innovation is supported by scientific measurement of your land management practices. Complex carbon farming ERF methodologies are something we work with daily as are visual assessment tools that can be taught to land managers, giving way to self assess landscape condition.
Land managers increasing farm landscape function, economic profitability, productivity and social capacity through innovation and adaptation in soil health management are our collaborators and clients.
We specialise in full field based soil sampling services to the carbon farming sector operating under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).
Project partners and clients come from diverse backgrounds from research and industry groups, the corporate sector, universities, not for profits, government agencies and those with most influence, landholders.
I think you'll agree that working with some of the Australia's leading innovators in agriculture is quite exciting. They're doing some amazing stuff! We've observed just what can be achieved using management practices that regenerate soils and landscapes and we've helped with those observations.
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